In this article, we will explain how to request an amendment
1.To start, go to your inbox

2. Under “Current Folder”, click on the Subject.

3. In the popup on the right side of the screen, click on the eBL for details. The detailed master bill of lading will open. You can download a copy by clicking on the download icon at the top.
On the left, you can see you are the possessor (Shipper).
4. To continue, click on Actions and select Request amendment.

5. Under attachments, click on the eBL you want to be amended.

6. Once done, you will see the message The envelope was sent successfully in green at the bottom on the left.

7. You can see that you lost possession.

8. Contact the issuer outside of the WaveBL platform to follow up.
Important Note
Please note that once the carrier Accepts the eBL for Amendment, you will receive a copy titled “Amendment Accepted.” Please approach the Carrier to proceed with the Amendment process through your regular communication channels. Once the Amendment is done, the Carrier will issue a new eBL.