Meet RS Logistics
RS Logistics is a fast-growing customer-oriented firm in the logistics industry. Founded in 2003, RS Logistics began in Hong Kong, their corporate headquarters, with a vision to provide worldwide logistics services to its clients. Today, RS Logistics serves various destinations and became one of the leading logistics providers from the major ports in PRC and South East Asia.

Tip For Others
Consider the benefits of working on a singular platform that provides secure visibility to all members of your supply chain. The results are felt both in the short-term and long-term.
Tom Deng
RS Logisitcs
2019 brought unforeseen challenges to the maritime logistics industry. The COVID-19 pandemic drew an emphasis on the need for digital disruption to keep the supply chain moving forward. RS Logistics had pressing priorities to reduce manual work and improve delivery time with an alternative to paper-based workflows that was safer than issuing original Bills of Lading manually.

WAVE BL supplied RS Logistics with a digital platform that safeguarded an electronic version of the original Bill of Lading from any threats of loss or manipulation based on the blockchain-backed infrastructure in which it lived. The eBL was issued electronically and directly through the WAVE BL network where every member along the supply chain would exchange the eBL and other trade documents passed along the transaction, safely and securely.

With paper-workflows now living in a digital environment, RS Logistics experienced a significant reduction in delivery time of original bill of lading, and avoidance in the risk of missing documents.

Since onboarding with WAVE BL, RS Logistics has completely eradicated the issue of loss of valuable documents and threats of forgery. Before WAVE BL, the logistics provider worked with multiple carriers on multiple platforms when receiving Bills of Lading, which cost a lot of time to standardize. Today RS Logistics has one system in place for all of their documents exchange processes with WAVE BL.