The Spotlight

WaveBL Completes a Groundbreaking Network Connectivity Proof of Value with Swift

Our Vision for a Sustainable Future


Our adoption of paperless trade practices reduces deforestation and paper production waste, while our permissioned mining blockchain infrastructure drastically cuts carbon emissions by over 95% compared to traditional public blockchains.


By replacing manual labor with streamlined processes, WaveBL empowers employees to focus on core tasks, boosting productivity and fostering a positive work environment


WaveBL is compliant with industry standards that reflect Global Trade requirements to ensure a streamlined and efficient trade process

Introducing WaveBL’s Zero-Carbon eBLs for a Sustainable and Efficient Future

Zero Carbon eBLs represent a fundamental shift towards sustainability. These revolutionary eBLs are created by purchasing and utilizing surplus carbon credits on a carbon trade exchange. This innovative approach enables us to harness energy while avoiding the generation of additional CO2 emissions

WaveBL zero carbon eBL has been measured by international standards and offset by GOLD STANDARD ®

Join us on this transformative journey, collectively navigating the evolving landscape of digital trade and ushering in a new era of efficiency, innovation, and environmental responsibility. Contact us to be part of this sustainable and responsible future