In this article, you will learn how to manage your Inbox.
Inbox – The inbox holds all the received envelopes and documents
Sending – Sent envelopes move first to the Sending folder during the sending process
Sent – The Sent box holds all the envelopes that were sent
Unclaimed – Centralize unclaimed eBL issued with a Single Document User (SDU)
Drafts – Prepared documents or eBL before it was sent out
Archived – Envelopes marked as “Archive” appear here instead of the Inbox
Labels – To sort envelopes with customized labels
Folder vs. Labels:
A folder is consistent across all Business Units and remains fixed (Inbox, Sending, Sent, Draft, Archived)
In contrast, a customizable Label can be adjusted internally for each BU.
Labels are visible to all BU users, and any changes made to a label will impact all users in the BU.
A label is affixed to an envelope to categorize it under the relevant label in the Inbox. When filtering a labeled envelope, it will show its present location and all prior locations and related envelopes linked to the eBL before labeling or archiving.
The labels are managed internally:
- Click + to create a new label
- Add Label name
- Click ︙ to Edit, Add a sublabel or Remove the label
- To label an envelope – mark the checkbox ⃞ with✓ choose the relevant label and Apply
- Now the envelope is labeled
- After processing the envelope (sending eBL possession, labeling done), you can proceed with archiving. Mark the checkbox, open Actions and choose Archive